Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Diabetic Erectile Dysfunction

For many Diabetic Erectile Dysfunction has become a grim reality. Many came to the realization that their sexual life is pretty much over. Relationships go through harsh times, quality of life diminishes and in many cases partners part ways with the diabetic remaining helpless.
The good news is that Diabetic Erectile Dysfunction treatable and many patients are able to get and erection in the medical office, good enough to experience normal sexual relations.

The medication used  to combat Diabetic Erectile Dysfunction is called Trimix Injection Solution. Trimix is a mixture of 3 medications that when combined are able to afford patients erections within 5-10 minutes. These erections can even be controlled more or less by the dosages administered. In certain cases physicians can cater length of erection to patient specifications.

Many Diabetic Erectile Dysfunction patients have had a total life change wit the advancement of Trimix to such an extent that there are reports of sexually active patients well into their 90's.

Like any other medication Trimix is not 100 percent and may not work for all patients. A qualified physician needs to ensure patients do not have counter-indications prior to administration. If an erection lasts more than 4 hours (Priapism), please call doctor immediately and/or visit emergency room.

Prescriptions can be filles by Zion Pharmacy which has a great history of success with compounding Trimix for Erectile Dysfucntion.



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