Trimix Injection

Trimix Injection for Erectile Dysfunction
If you suffer from erectile dysfunction there are great chances you are a candidate for this therapy. 
Trimix Injection for Erectile Dysfunction is a penile injection therapy that is effective in 80-90% of patients. Since it has only a local effect it is very effective and lacks the secondary systemic effects of the oral medications. 
As Viagra and other oral medications came to the market many rushed to use them. However oral medications are effective for everyone and some carry side effects (such as severe headaches).

Is the Therapy Right for Me?
If you have one of the following your doctor may prescribe you Trimix Injection for Erectile Dysfunction, if there are no counter indications. 

  1. Hypertension
  2. Diabetes
  3. Nerve Damage due to Colo-Rectal Surgery
  4. No Prostate (Prostatectomy)
  5. Opioid Dependence
  6. On HIV/AIDS Cocktails
  7. On Chemotherapy
  8. Psychological ED (Low Self Esteem, Etc.)
  9. No Results from Oral medications
  10. Painful Side Effects from Caverject or Edex
  11. Heavy Testosterone or Anabolic Steroid Use
  12. Alcoholism

What are the counter indications?
A physician will be the sole decision maker on whether a patient is a candidate based on the physical exam, laboratory tests and medication audit. Some counter indications for Trimix may include but are not limited to:
  1. Leukemia
  2. Sickle Cell Anemia
  3. Allergy to any Ingredients
  4. Penile Deformities
Contact Us Regarding Trimix

Zion Clinic Pharmacy complies with all the requirements of the Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Act.
Zion Clinic Pharmacy will only dispense a controlled substance to a person who has a valid prescription from a Florida licensed physician issued for a legitimate medical purpose based upon a medical relationship with a prescribing practitioner. This includes at least one prior in-person medical evaluation in accordance with applicable requirements of section 309 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 829). Zion Clinic Pharmacy will not fill any prescription based on an online questionnaire alone.
The Information in the website is for reference only and do not constitute medical or pharmaceutical advice. Nor does the information assist in creating any type of binding relationship. Patients should consult a licensed physician in person before starting any prescription or OTC regiment.

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